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Recruiting In The New Year
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Recruiting in the New Year: Our Top 10 Tips

  • Publish Date: Posted almost 3 years ago

​​Whether you smashed your goals last year or just want to pretend 2021 never happened, it's easy to come back after Christmas thinking you've got all the time in the world to get started on your recruitment strategy. But here's the truth: January is the month you really can't afford to waste!

Recruiters always have a busy month in January as career changes are one of the most common New Year's resolutions, and with year-end bonuses in their pockets, candidates are eager to take advantage of new opportunities.

There are other factors at play too. Clients will know how much cash they have to play with when they complete their annual budgets and will be eager to recruit again to meet their 2022 goals. Which means more competition for you.

As we head into one of the busiest recruiting seasons of the year, we've put together some top tips that'll help you out.

1. Stick to traditional titles

While recruiting ''superstars'' can make a role sound exciting, job seekers won't find it as the title doesn't contain the keywords they are searching for. With industry-specific keywords and standard job titles, you can boost your visibility and find those superstars. Make sure your job title also sounds appropriate to the tasks that you require the new hire to complete day-to-day. Don’t expect a junior position to perform mid-level duties without handing out the deserved title.

2. Time is money

Taking forever to hire someone costs you money AND it frustrates you - that's when the wrong hiring decisions tend to happen. On top of that, if you don't hire quickly enough, you might lose the best candidates to your competitors. This is because you didn't offer them a position when you knew they'd be a right fit. Hiring too fast, however, can lead to hiring someone without performing proper background and reference checks. So be sure to give yourself the right amount of time during the hiring process or take advantage of a recruitment agency to cross your t’s and dot your i’s while you focus on the hiring decision.

3. Get a second opinion

A common recruiting or interviewing mistake is not involving your team in the process. It is beneficial to have a manager or a colleague whom the new hire will work with sit in on the hiring process and give additional feedback, to ensure the potential candidate is a good fit for the company.

4. Get yourself seen

To remain competitive in January, you must nail your recruitment marketing, your social selling, and your branding. There is no doubt that the recruitment market is competitive at this time of year, so do your best to remain visible or else you'll lose out.

Think of ways to make your brand unique and what advantages you can offer potential candidates. Then create a social selling strategy that helps you shout about it from the rooftops.

5. Simplify job applications

No one wants to sit and fill out a job application for half an hour, so try to take as much work out of it as you can, without compromising the quality of your applications. Make sure your hiring platforms are optimised and built so that applicants smoothly move through your whole system and lead to a simple "Apply Now" button on the job posting. Again, using a recruitment agency can ensure that your ad is posted to the top job boards and recruitment websites making it easy for candidates to find your posting and submit their application.

6. Let your culture do the talking

Your company's culture should be your top priority at this time of the year, whether you're recruiting or only just preparing to rehire. As we enter a new year, investing in your employer brand and leveraging tools like employee referral programs is key to building a stronger team.

Make sure your company's website is also user-friendly and reflects your culture. Celebrate both the internal and external sides of your team and showcase what makes your employer brand unique so that potential candidates remain interested.

7. Consider your communication channels

Having access to a number of communication channels can make choosing the right one difficult these days. Considering less traditional and formal forms of communication can mean the difference in getting responses quicker than your competitors. For example, by texting your candidates instead of emailing them, whether you’re a recruiter at a staffing firm or an internal hiring manager, can be more efficient and effective. It puts your message in candidates' hands in a more accessible way than email, and job seekers can respond quickly without the same pressure as, say, email or returning a phone call.

8. Make your external outreach diverse

Who is profiled on your blog or social media accounts? While the truth is that sometimes, we have to rely on whoever is available and willing to take on additional tasks or be publicly visible, it is crucial to have a diverse voice in your company.

Take the time to make sure your external voice is balanced and that it is inclusive of diverse backgrounds and viewpoints. The last thing you want is people thinking that your company is still stuck in the early 1960’s.

9. A good cause is a win-win

Get your staff involved in volunteering, donating to charities, and holding fun team challenges to raise awareness - get creative! Consult your team and find out what you can do to invest in the communities where your employees live and work.

Your company will benefit from this, as it speaks to your company's culture; people always look for more than a good salary when applying to work at a company.

10. Remember your manners

Make sure you get back to everyone who has applied to your role or get your recruiter to do so. Send out a quick message to everyone, even if they didn't make it past the CV screening stage. When you don't, it makes your whole company look bad, lazy, careless, and it’s just terrible for your employer branding. Especially if candidates vent about you ghosting them on social media or to their friends, who might have the skills you're looking for.

Send out a quick email thanking them for their time, it doesn't take long, and it could really boost your company's reputation.

Need help with your recruitment process? Contact our team today! With the help of our experts, you can improve your company's visibility and attract more talent in 2022.