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Tips for Boosting Job Search Productivity

  • Publish Date: Posted over 4 years ago
  • Author:by Antonia

Hunting for a new job can sometimes be hindered with bad habits or tactics, but by following these tips, your productivity should sky-rocket.

1. Plan
When looking for a new job set aside time in your schedule to focus on your job hunt alone. Whether it’s an hour after work, on your lunch break or in the evenings, pick a time that suits you best and utilise the time well. It can also help to break down the search into different sections, for example, spend Monday fine-tuning your CV and cover letters, Tuesday send out applications and follow up on submitted applications on Friday.

2. Avoid Multi-Tasking
Be wary to not fall into the habit of multi-tasking during your dedicated job hunt time. You must concentrate fully on submitting quality applications, in the right places and keep a clear record of where you have applied. When you come to attend interviews, this prior work will come in handy. While it may be tempting to catch up with housework or relax during your job search time, it will not benefit you in the long run.

3. Read Job Descriptions
Often people skim-read the job description and apply to as many jobs as possible at once. However, this isn’t the most productive way to find your dream role. Firstly, paying little attention to the description won’t give you the insight into whether this is the best job for you and vice versa. Secondly, by applying to so many tasks at once, it will be tough to remember them specifically when contacted about an interview. It will also be hard to keep track of what jobs you have already applied for and which are new. Take your time reading through vacancies and apply to them one at a time, with tailored answers to the job requirements.

It may sometimes feel like your dream job will never appear but persevere. You’ll be gaining good practice applying for jobs, you will be learning to read and understand job descriptions, so when your dream role becomes available, you will be ready.

If you’re looking for a new role, speak to one of our expert consultants to see if we have anything that suits your needs.