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Pride at Become

  • Publish Date: Posted about 5 years ago
  • Author:by Antonia Naylor

Over the summer, we have celebrated pride at each of our offices worldwide - Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Auckland, Hong Kong, London and finally Manchester! We wanted to join in on the positive stance against discrimination within the LGBT+ community, especially in the workplace. So we asked our team to share with us why pride at become matters...

Justin - Manchester
"For me, Pride is a symbol of love, unity and equality & human rights. It's a month of inclusivity, partying and celebrating who you are with pride!"

Minnie - Hong Kong
"Pride is about being proud of who you are. You are not being judged for being you and who you love, so live it with pride!"

Arthur - Melbourne
"Pride is about empowerment and setting each other up for success. Every team is a bag of all-sorts, with people of different cultures, personalities and interests. BE PROUD of your diversity and every underlying quirkiness in each individual, and transform this into a workplace culture like no other!"

Becky - Auckland
"Pride in the workplace matters because no one should have to hide a part of themselves for the sake of others or live in fear of discrimination. Love is love - it doesn't matter what the person's gender, ethnicity, or religion is. Differences like these are what makes our world, our communities and our workplace grow stronger and richer by the day."

Dani - Sydney
"You (should always) do you! Pride in the workplace is about being your true self, whilst celebrating and valuing other's differences in an inclusive environment. Growth comes from change and change happens when you do something differently. Bringing together people from all walks of life in the workplace can be the catalyst to both great culture and outcomes."

Alan - Sydney
"Growing up as a kid is tough as it is. 'Coming out' is even harder, and it isn't always sunshine and rainbows. Not everyone accepts you or reacts positively. Sometimes you will be very happy, other times, you will hit a rock bottom low. Please know, it does get better. Surround yourself with a safe network of friends. Be true to yourself, love who you want to love and stay fabulous!"

Tom - Manchester
"We are known globally for our famous Canal Street and we are very proud to have the gay village within our immediate vicinity (you can literally see it from our office). It is part of what makes Manchester so great that it is happy to wear it’s gay and camp side on its sleeve.
Pride in Manchester is always a big event for everyone in the city. We have always been forefront in representing the LGBT+ community as it is part of our DNA. 
What pride means to us is that people are very different with different views and values but to take into account and accept that rainbow spectrum of differences and to encourage diversity and progression which is what we feel pride is there for. We hope for a future where everyone is accepted for who they are and not defined or categorised and just respected and loved openly and warmly by us as a community.
Happy Pride Month!"